
Showing posts from February, 2019

A code for trained lattice

In our quest for a local-realistic model for Quantum Mechanics, we have discussed in the last post how the lattice - that mediates locally the interactions between single instances of a same ensemble of particles - is progressively " trained " as subsequent particles are emitted. With the lattice already trained, the Matlab code discussed in this post can be strongly simplified as shown below. %%% Simulate an ensemble of Np particles emitted at intervals Nti  %%% from either of Ns distinct sources xs(1,...,Ns) having  %%% probability Ps(1,...,Ns).  Evaluate the frequency of arrivals at %%% a 'screen' after Nt  iterations. %%% %%% Parameters: Np,Ns,Nt,Nti,xs,Ps. %%% %%% Evaluate the number of possible bosons for this scenario. B = Ns*(Ns-1)/2; %%% Evaluate a priori the probability of each Quantum Reset iB = 0; for i = 1:Ns-1     for j = i+1:Ns         iB = iB+1;         Pb(iB) = 2*Ps(i)*Ps(j); ...

Training the lattice

In this blog I am presenting a new model for Quantum Mechanics based on local-realistic rules for ensemble of particles. A first version of the model has been published in this journal ; an extended version in this preprint . In a previous post , I have shown that the direct simulation of the rules of motion, even for a relatively simple quantum scenario such as a two-slit experiment, can take an unpractically long computing time. In fact, the dynamics of the lattice and particle bosons involved may take a large number of iterations before they converge to the values from which the stanbdard QM behavior emerges. This post discusses a first method to accelerate the simulations . This method consists in assuming that all lattice boson momenta have already converged to their steady-state values. This normally happens only after a large number of particle emissions of the same ensemble has been simulated, so that many particles have visited each lattice node. Here we assume that th...

A first challenge to quantum superposition

In this post , I have introduced how a genuine quantum phenomenon, the two-slit experiment, is represented in the proposed local-realistic model for quantum mechanics. Illustration by user Sakurambo, Wikimedia Commons, The QM mathematical machinery finds the good result by adding together ("superimposing") two different quantum states , corresponding to particles passing through either of the two slits. This is an application of the fundamental principle known as  quantum superposition . Each of the two states is described by a complex wavefunction, say, ψ 1 for the state where the particle passes through the first slit and ψ 2 for the state where the particle passes through the second slit. if the two slits are equally probable, the wavefunctions read (in lattice units, where m → 1, ℏ → 1/π): where k stands for 1, resp., 2, and x k is the k-th source position. According to the superposition prin...