Source preparations and momentum
In an earlier post , we have seen that two of the building blocks of a local and realistic model of Quantum Mechanics are the assumption of a discrete spacetime (the size of Compton wavelenght) and a three-valued momentum as a random variable, whose probability distribution is completely determined by its expected value, or momentum propensity . At a given iteration, quantum propensity V is the sum of two contributions, where v Q is the momentum contribution of quantum forces, and v F that of standard, "external" forces. Quantum momentum The quantum momentum is a quantity carried by the particle, which is first assigned at a certain value during the particle's preparation and may subsequently vary as a function of quantum forces. When a particle is prepared at a source, v Q is initialized to a value that we denote as v 0 , the source momentum . This quantity is itself a random variable: it can take rational values and is uniformly distribu...