
Showing posts from May, 2020

Realistic Spin Measurement

In the previous post , we have described a Spin Measurement process, performed with a Stern-Gerlach apparatus, in the framework of our Local-Realist theory of quantum mechanics. Despite not being based on complex-valued spinors and matrix operators, our model is able to retrieve the main QM results. In particular, the probability of distribution of spin (spin "up" or "down") at the exit of a SG apparatus, as a function of the initial preparation and of the direction of the magnetic field. One of the most puzzling aspects of QM spin is that, when multiple SG are linked in sequence, they do not act as simple selectors, i.e., filtering out particles with one of the spin values (i.e., states pre-existing to the measurement) and blocking the others. Give a look to the  Wikipedia article  on that, where three experiments are depicted (reproduced below). The first case discloses a quite unsurprising behavior: since only the z-up beam enters the 2nd SG, we expected to ...