
Showing posts from April, 2020

Realistic Stern-Gerlach experiment

One of the most puzzling properties of quantum spin, the intrinsic angular momentum of a particle, is the fact that, once a spatial orientation of spin is measured, it can take only some discrete values. This is in contrast with classical angular momentum that can have a continuous distribution. People say that spin is quantized . The most common measurement procedure is probably by using a Stern-Gerlach apparatus . This measurement consists in sending a beam of particles through an inhomogeneous magnetic field and observing their deflection. With spin-1/2 particles, the result will be that two beams are formed, with some particles deflecting in one direction of the inhomogeinity axis, the others in the opposite direction. This behavior is described within the formulation standard of quantum mechanics by using matricial spin operators. We have already claimed in a previous post that our local-realistic formulation of QM of spin-1/2 particles contains all the elements to correc...

Revisiting the spin states

While in the standard formulation of Quantum Mechanics spin is described by a matricial operator, acting on vector quantities (spinors) that describe spin states, in our quest for a local and realist model we have introduced (in an  earlier post ) spin as a (2S+1)-valued attribute of particles. For S = 1/2, our spin s will take values +1 and -1, according to the value of the particle's intrinsic  source spin s 0 and its spin propensity M, which in turn results from the interaction of the intrinsic spin " polarization " and an external magnetic field. We have also described the Reset of spin quantities that occurs when a particle experiences an external force, notably, a magnetic force. Alone, the rules shown in that post are sufficient to explain typical quantum processes such as quantization of spin, the apparent "collapse" of spin states, and generally spin measurement outcomes. This subject is trated in detail in my  2020 ArXiV paper . Let us con...