
Showing posts from March, 2020


In our quest for a local and realistic description of quantum mechanics we have developed a full concrete model incorporating many aspects of quantum behavior (quantization, uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality, Born rule, momentum entanglement, etc.), which we have been presenting in previous posts. However, a further class of genuine quantum processes requires a description of an additional particle property, which is intrinsic  spin . I have recently added spin in my model, as reported in my most recent ArXiv publication . With this post, we are going to discuss how spin can emerge from a more fundamental local-realistic mechanism. In addition to source momentum, particles have an intrinsic property that is a rational number comprised between -1 and +1, which we shall call " source spin " and denote as s 0 . In addition to momentum polarization , they also have another vector quantity, that is, three rational numbers {μ 0d } such that We shall call th...