
Showing posts from February, 2020

Bell's theorem does not dismiss local-realism

In a previous post , we have discovered that quantum mechanics can described equivalently to standard approaches, and in particular Bell's inequalities  can be violated in a Bell test with momentum-entangled pairs of particles, despite making use of local realist assumptions. However, it is a fact that Bell's theorem and its descendants are regularly used to dismiss any possibility that a local-realist quantum mechanical model could even exist. John Stewart Bell (1928-1990) How happens that our local-realist model captures BI violations and correctly reproduces QM statistics? How to solve this apparent paradox? Despite its mathematical simplicity, interpretation of Bell's theorem has given rise to a vast literature, in particular concerning its assumptions and the conclusions that can be drawn. The usual assumptions used in deriving Bell inequalities are realism (properties of physical systems are elements of reality, outcomes of tests are determined by some hidde...