
Showing posts from January, 2020

Local-realist Bell-test experiment with momentum entanglement

Within our search for a local-realist description of quantum mechanics, two recent posts have discussed the local-realist rules of motion for particle pairs that are entangled in momentum and how position probability distributions are built upon. We want now to describe a scenario for which these rules allow to retrieve typical quantum correlations between the two particles, which ultimately lead to violations of Bell's inequalities as predicted for QM by Bell's theorem . The scenario consists of a two-slit interferometer, as depicted in the figure. This setting is equivalent to the double-source preparation discussed in the aforementioned posts. The two 'sources' are equally probable and the phase difference at each station is ε (I) = α, ε (II) = β. The detectors are placed at positions x ±  = ±t/(4D), where δ = 2D is the distance between the two slits, a parameter of the stations. In the case of a single station active, with particles emitted ...

The emergence of quantum behavior for two entangled particles

When I submitted my manuscript to the journal Foundations of Physics , one of the referees was pointing out that The positive model developed in this manuscript represents a lot of careful work, and exhibits a solid grasp on the foundational literature. To my mind, the fatal flaw is the failure to discuss multiparticle systems. It's a fatal flaw because the paper purports to develop a local realistic model of quantum phenomena. Well-known impediments to the empirical adequacy of such models (e.g. the Bell inequalities ) arise in the presence of entanglement between particles. A revised version of the paper that shows how the model recovers standard QM's prediction of the violation of Bell-type inequalities would make a much stronger case that the model is worth taking seriously. (Such a recovery needn't entail extending the model to incorporate spin phenomena: the Bell-correlated observables needn't be spin observables.) [bold mine] I therefore started incorporatin...