Prepare and move two entangled particles
In this blog we are presenting and supporting a local and realist model for quantum mechanics , based on simple rules of (stochastic) motion on a discrete spatiotemporal lattice. The model is realist in the sense that at each instant particles have definite properties such as position, momentum, energy, etc. and these are independent of any possible measurement. Locality means that particles interact only with other beables that are resident in the lattice nodes actually visited. In particular, quantum behavior is reproduced for an ensemble of similarly-prepared particles and thanks to a footprint mechanism where particles leave some information in the node they visit which influece the behavior of subsequent particles. One of the most common objections to the fact that one even tries to build a local and realist model, is that these models are simply impossible, as they are supposedly ruled out by Bell 's theorem . In this post and in future ones we shall demonstrate that the op...