
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Huygens-Fresnel Principle: more on the External Reset

In a previous post we have described the rules that apply at each " External Reset ", that is, when a particle encounters an external force-carrier, an external "boson". In particular, the span is reversed according to the 1D rule (1) which is generalized to the 3D rule described in this post  (2), where the resulting spans are intended to be rounder at the nearest integer. However, these rules alone are not sufficient to represent the emergence of quantum behavior such as self-interference and superposition. Thus, it is now time for some more details. Let us come back to the double slit experiment. Consider such an apparatus as illustrated in the figure below, where O is the source of particles, S1 and S2 are the two slits, and P is the recording screen. In standard QM the wave function at the screen is obtained as the superposition of two wave functions emitted at slits S1 and S2 and propagated to the screen. This is possible because of th...