The Nonergodic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Recently, the work of the Brazilian physicist Vicent Buonomano has come to my attention through two different ways. On the one hand, I have found a citation of a 1986 Buonomano's paper (appeared in the Nuovo Cimento journal) in the book "The Einstein, Podolski, and Rosen Paradox, in Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics" by A. Afriat and F. Selleri (Plenum, New York, 1999). In their Chapter 5, devoted to the "Proposed solutions of the paradox", they mention the nonergodic interpretation (NEI) of quantum mechanics , according to which: a sequence of quantum objects, even if separated by large time intervals, do not behave independently in their interactions with the measuring apparatus. These objects may interact with one another by means of memory effects in a hypothetical medium, filling the space they cross on their way toward the measuring instruments. [...] Obviously, interference can happen only after a sufficiently large number of particles have cro...